Imorse hittade vi en lapp i köket: "Guys, they're filming a movie with Jennifer Aniston across the street! Now!!" Vi var ändå på väg ut för att handla lunch, så gick förbi inspelningsplatsen, men såg inga kändisar! Gick vidare till parken istället, för det var soligt och fint. Igår fick vi veta att vi kommer att få bo här i Williamsburg resten av tiden.
Vår utsikt från fönstret. Det är mest byggnader åt båda hållen.

Ibland är vi lata och handlar cupcakes på New York Muffins.

Här bodde vi förut. Det var också fint, mycket grafitti och skolbussar.

"Choking Signs" finns på alla restauranger, jag tycker de är lite roliga.

Jag har blivit sjuk och har mest sovit idag, nu ska vi in till Manhattan och fixa
några ärenden. Sedan ska vi laga middag med en mexikan på hostelet,
det tycker jag är roligt för vi kan prata spanska. Hej så länge! /Regina
Vår utsikt från fönstret. Det är mest byggnader åt båda hållen.

Ibland är vi lata och handlar cupcakes på New York Muffins.

Här bodde vi förut. Det var också fint, mycket grafitti och skolbussar.

"Choking Signs" finns på alla restauranger, jag tycker de är lite roliga.

Jag har blivit sjuk och har mest sovit idag, nu ska vi in till Manhattan och fixa
några ärenden. Sedan ska vi laga middag med en mexikan på hostelet,
det tycker jag är roligt för vi kan prata spanska. Hej så länge! /Regina
^^ pt 2
Vi är glada och har shoppat på Forever 21 för att vi har råd med det. Livet känns på topp.
Vi äter mat för över 5 dollar.
/Anorektikter som vaknat ur koma. (/I.)

Vi äter mat för över 5 dollar.
/Anorektikter som vaknat ur koma. (/I.)

5 PM
Verkar vara standardtid för våra morgonrutiner, att vakna, duscha, äta. Nu är klockan tjugo i tio. Snacka om att vända på dygnet. Vi har kollat på Pinocchio och ätit B&J (den är inte billig här heller). Time to turn back time. Vi ser fram emot alla spelningar denna veckan utan att 'throw pearls before swine' (nu låter det inte som Magnus Uggla, Regina!)
Lyssnar på Beach House och funderar på att gå ut en sväng. Vädret är inte längre lika stormigt som i Pinocchiofilmen.
Men det här är nog första gången vi inte gör något betydelsefullt sedan vi kom hit. Välförtjänt lathet. Sunday, Sun-less-day /I.
Lyssnar på Beach House och funderar på att gå ut en sväng. Vädret är inte längre lika stormigt som i Pinocchiofilmen.
Men det här är nog första gången vi inte gör något betydelsefullt sedan vi kom hit. Välförtjänt lathet. Sunday, Sun-less-day /I.
Tom. :(. Saknar mina hörlurar. Och mina stora har gått sönder.
Vill gå på konserten. Hoppas det är mycket folk.
Regina och jag satt på ett pizzahak och filosoferade över hur äckligt livet egentligen är.
Väldigt äckligt. Allt är bara vackert på långt håll eller när det är suddigt eller förvrängs på annat sätt. Det är därför konst är bra.
Nu ska vi sticka.

Vill gå på konserten. Hoppas det är mycket folk.
Regina och jag satt på ett pizzahak och filosoferade över hur äckligt livet egentligen är.
Väldigt äckligt. Allt är bara vackert på långt håll eller när det är suddigt eller förvrängs på annat sätt. Det är därför konst är bra.
Nu ska vi sticka.

Check it Out
Don't Know If It Was Such a Good Idea
This was possibly our lamest behaviour as of yet. Today we might be going to the Wavves concert. Don't know. We'll see how things unfold. If at all. All I know is I want Pinocchio and pizza. Which we will attend to after this nap. Good day. /I.
Free Gig @ Phoebe's Café
Igår regnade det hela kvällen och vi gick till Phoebe's Café och såg Dorako. Passade på att networka lite, så nu har vi en till spelning att gå till ikväll! Sedan började det regna ännu mer, så vi åkte hem till Williamsburg och hostelet som är mycket bättre än det förra, mer socialt. Klockan är redan två fast vi knappt gått upp, snart åker vi och träffar en vän i Central Park och går på utställningar.
Regina's Guide to Pack Light
Jag trippade ner för trapporna hela vägen till Williamsburg, lite för att irritera Isabella som släpade på sina minst 30 kilos tillhörigheter. Nu ska vi ut och äta, vi bor i perfekta området för det, allt är väldigt billigt här och nära- vår favoritrestaurang ligger precis bredvid vårt favoritfik som har stans säkert godaste cupcakes. Nam nam. Okej, som ni förstår är vi väldigt hungriga, vi har inte ätit sedan Isabella skrev i bloggen att vi skulle det.. Inte sedan i morse faktiskt. Måste springa! Sen ska vi gå på två gratisspelningar, Dorako och Brittain Ashford. Stay tuned. /Regina
The Move to Hipster Town
Now we live in Williamsburg. I did not enjoy hauling my bags all the way over here, and up 5 flights of stairs, since now I probably have 12 kgs overweight. No, I am not pulling your leg.
(I came to the States with 3 kgs overweight and now it's post-shopping and all...)
Hungry. Going to eat. Now we live in the Affordable Food Disctrict.
Damn Regina and her light baggage./I.
(I came to the States with 3 kgs overweight and now it's post-shopping and all...)
Hungry. Going to eat. Now we live in the Affordable Food Disctrict.
Damn Regina and her light baggage./I.
Familiar Since the 25th of March
Okay, so we've soon been here for an entire week and things don't seem all that new anymore, we're not as lost and I don't need to check the subway map when we're on a familiar route. People are still hitting on us and eyeing us like crazy, should be pretty easy to get free drinks in this town.
Yesterday, as we were walking in Williamsburg, this girl was like "skåningar!" and we were completely out of it, "whaat?" and it felt like she said it again as we turned around once more. Now we're reaally starving (unusual) so Regina is going to cook us a wholesome meal, since she's the woman in this relationship, but also, sometimes the man too. So what does that make me??
BTW, moving to Williamsburg tomorrow! That lovely pittoresque place in New York, one of the few places with short buildings, small streets and tiny stores, and payments through cash only. Thriftstores pop up all over the place, Beacon's Closet amongst others, but that place was mostly just made up of last season's clothing for a discounted price.
Later: Ugly Betty
(Today we're really living the Life) /I.
Yesterday, as we were walking in Williamsburg, this girl was like "skåningar!" and we were completely out of it, "whaat?" and it felt like she said it again as we turned around once more. Now we're reaally starving (unusual) so Regina is going to cook us a wholesome meal, since she's the woman in this relationship, but also, sometimes the man too. So what does that make me??
BTW, moving to Williamsburg tomorrow! That lovely pittoresque place in New York, one of the few places with short buildings, small streets and tiny stores, and payments through cash only. Thriftstores pop up all over the place, Beacon's Closet amongst others, but that place was mostly just made up of last season's clothing for a discounted price.
Later: Ugly Betty
(Today we're really living the Life) /I.
The Cheapness of Williamsburg
We found a place where we can eat out and eat well. No more of the disguisting snacks of yesterday that are sure to scar me for the week: packeted mixed fruit bought near NoHo which was eaten at the cinema watching that horrible movie (Scarlett Johansson is gross!!) Williamsburg it is, off to eat pizza, falafel, gyros or all of the above. We can afford it since most of yesterday's closet-building was done from the cheapness of the sidewalk. /I

Just woke up to another sunny day in Brooklyn and it's 4.30 PM - what happened?!
Yesterday we took the subway to Williamsburg:

We're loving the grafitti on the walls.

As we strolled down the streets we found some treasures among the trash
that people had thrown out of their houses. Some records and a bikini later,
we decided to go buy cupcakes

Ladylike manners -

Isabella says she better not eat cupcakes on a first date.

Went to catch a movie at Time Square, but there weren't any good ones running,
so we decided to see She's just not that into you. It was so bad, Isabella fell asleep
and missed half of it.
I'll write more soon. /Regina
Yesterday we took the subway to Williamsburg:

We're loving the grafitti on the walls.

As we strolled down the streets we found some treasures among the trash
that people had thrown out of their houses. Some records and a bikini later,
we decided to go buy cupcakes

Ladylike manners -

Isabella says she better not eat cupcakes on a first date.

Went to catch a movie at Time Square, but there weren't any good ones running,
so we decided to see She's just not that into you. It was so bad, Isabella fell asleep
and missed half of it.
I'll write more soon. /Regina
Shopping and Starvation
Went to SoHo/NoHo today. Most of the shopping was done at American Apparel, today Regina did most of the buying. Most stores have not lived up to their reputation, what's the deal with Victoria's Secret? Less eating is the key to a larger shopping budget. We were supposed to discover Williamsburg, but once there, we were too hungry so we hopped on the metro back home. But now we are off to treat ourselves to Chinese food in Chinatown!
BTW, here's where we're living and this we've translated (note the title and music):
Greetings from Regina and Isabella

BTW, here's where we're living and this we've translated (note the title and music):
Greetings from Regina and Isabella

"I'm forty-seven and I look like this"
So walking down the street at night, a guy passes by saying "beautiful." There's weirdly a lot of that here. We were in the grocery store to buy some cheap, very cheap food (we're quite poor) which consisted of beans, tomato sauce, corn and what we thought was flavoured rice...Anyhow he rambles on about how we'll become fat, we shouldn't eat, and blablabla. And how he's 47 and looks that good. I should've been like: "my dad's 53 and is hotter than you!" Anyhow I'm like: "dude, we're eating vegetables..."
"Everyday, vegetables?"
"Yeah, we're not gonna get fat from vegetables and anyways, I mean it's not like real food is easy to find around here (in the US), you just have sauces and side dishes to accompany your fast food meals.. "
As we depart he says "I love you."

A sample of the city and more to come
"Everyday, vegetables?"
"Yeah, we're not gonna get fat from vegetables and anyways, I mean it's not like real food is easy to find around here (in the US), you just have sauces and side dishes to accompany your fast food meals.. "
As we depart he says "I love you."

A sample of the city and more to come
Hurrah for adapters!!
Yes, finally, we can access the Wi-Fi!!!!
There's a lot to say. Right now we're having trouble with closing the window: We can't close the fucking window!!!'
It just keeps on sliding down...
We were at Brooklyn Botanic Gardens today, it sucked. Sofiero kicks its ass!!
Also, Times Square sucks, albeit quite pretty and the buildings are tall and the lights keep flashing and the billboards are big. The Metro Card rules! I'm loving it!
There's a lot to say. Right now we're having trouble with closing the window: We can't close the fucking window!!!'
It just keeps on sliding down...
We were at Brooklyn Botanic Gardens today, it sucked. Sofiero kicks its ass!!
Also, Times Square sucks, albeit quite pretty and the buildings are tall and the lights keep flashing and the billboards are big. The Metro Card rules! I'm loving it!
We're in New York!
Yes, we just arrived, after a long and winding journey,
I'm half deaf and can't smell a thing, which apparantly is good, coz Regina says it's smelly and loud.
We've made ourselves comfortable here at a place on Bedford Avenue (yes it's apparantly one of the longest streets, so good luck finding us). First impressions: things are a little bit rugged here in NYC, but people seem a lot friendlier and more open-minded than in chilly Scandinavia.
Now we're gonna go find some sushi and an internet café
Holla Back!!
/I and R out and about
I'm half deaf and can't smell a thing, which apparantly is good, coz Regina says it's smelly and loud.
We've made ourselves comfortable here at a place on Bedford Avenue (yes it's apparantly one of the longest streets, so good luck finding us). First impressions: things are a little bit rugged here in NYC, but people seem a lot friendlier and more open-minded than in chilly Scandinavia.
Now we're gonna go find some sushi and an internet café
Holla Back!!
/I and R out and about
I made some art the other day, in attempt to relax and unwind. And it looks like nothing I've ever done before. I must of had a lot of crap in me and it shat on the paper.
This is what art looks like when I'm stressing out:

Confessions of an Eight Year Old (2009)
Water colouring from when I was feeling alright:

The Symbiotic Relationship (2008)
This is what art looks like when I'm stressing out:

Confessions of an Eight Year Old (2009)
Water colouring from when I was feeling alright:

The Symbiotic Relationship (2008)
Dollar, Dollar Bill Y'all
Känner mig som ett dampbarn! Hoppar runt och flänger, medans Regina varvar ner. Stannar uppe och fyller i lite tråkigheter, försöker få gratis-pengar. Oh, the bullshit that a decent education entails.
I kontrast med detta ser jag att dollarn har sjunkit till 8,08 SEK! Här skall det inhandlas. "Regina, vad är det som händer imorgon?!" Olé olé

Hundschampo och olivolja i reseförpackning
I kontrast med detta ser jag att dollarn har sjunkit till 8,08 SEK! Här skall det inhandlas. "Regina, vad är det som händer imorgon?!" Olé olé

Hundschampo och olivolja i reseförpackning
Nu är det vår, det läste jag på SMHI:s hemsida nämligen. Jag är sjukt trött, kom precis hem från Stockholm och har jobbat 8-18, sedan fick vi gäster hemma och jag packade klart, åkte till Isabella med all mah stuff - vi åker ju nu, till N Y och Isabella tänker vara vaken hela natten "Hinner inte sova." Kids today.. Jag somnar på soffan när som helst skulle jag tro. /Regina

Spring times are happy times
"Guide to Women"
I finally got a hold of this "Guide to Women," a hardcopy! So, I'm probably spending more time than I should, but it will surely guarantee a thorough read... I kept comments to a minimum, there's a lot of mockable content, and there are times when the writer contradicts himself on a whole 'nother level. Needless to say this text is hilariously beyond prejudice.
Or maybe it's just sexist.
"Types of Girls
There are 6 types of girls in this world. Whores, nice girls, chill girls, maternal girls, family, and useless girls. Whores are girls you just want to bang and don't respect. Chill girls are girls you just like to hang out with, no romancing. Maternal girls are moms, grandmas, friend's moms, mature women, etc... Family are cousins, sisters, step-sisters, etc... Useless girls are girls that you have no interest in whatsoever. This book will deal with girls you want to get busywith, i.e. whores and nice girls and how you get them.
Nice Girls vs. Whores
Never kiss whores. After you are together with a whore forget her immediately and move on to another, unless she is girlfriend material[?!]. Fuckbuddies are nice. Don't love or romanticize sluts and whores, they'll just end up breaking your heart, lust them instead, understand which girls are whores and which ones are not. Act accordingly. Just because they dress and act like whores doesn't mean that they are[?!], for all you know they might be single and trying to attract a man by dressing sexy, just like you are trying to attract a girlfriend/women by looking sexy. Not all girls that dress like whores are. Just because girls have a boyfriend doesn't mean that they are off the market. Understand that you are a man, you can have sex with both nice girls and whores openly. Society will allow you to do so without a negative outlook. It's different with bitches. Know and appreciate this fact, you have total freedom. Girls think it's impressive and attractive when a guy says he doesn't need sex. This is a phenomena I've noticed. Not sure how rampant it truly is though. Don't be romantic with whores. They exist for one purpose, and one purpose only, to make you ejaculate! Girlfriends and nice girls are girls that you enjoy being around and who make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Whores should not do this, if they do then they are not whores [this guy is so intelligent]. Don't do romantic dinners or warm fuzzy stuff with whores. Save that for nice girls. Whores are just for fucking, nothing more.
Where Do I Meet Bitches?
Hot chicks love to hang out at nice cafes and the library. Go there with a girl who has them as friends or with a guy that you can pick up chicks with, then go to work. If you want to have a one night stand then the best place to meet up with chicks is after a party. They've been drinking, you've been drinking, everybody's in a good mood. The time is right, it's a party, it's the right time. The mood just won't be the same if you meet up with her 1 on 1 a couple days later and want to get laid. The time will have passed.
Realize Their Personality Types
Never mess around with immigrant girls. They are cocky and have brothers. It may be fun in the beginning but in the end when she feels hurt her brothers will come to execute you for your wrongdoing. Go for white girls, they are simple, have no brothers, and like exotic stuff.
Know What You Are Getting Into (Both Literally and Metaphorically)
If you are in a bar and see a hot chick, go for her immediately. Don't take advantage of girls who are really, seriously in love with you. Tell them there is nothing, otherwise you will break their hearts. You are a man and can have anything, spare them the pain and get something else, unless of course you want to be their boyfriend or in a relationship. Some girls have STDs and diseases, be aware, and if they do then leave them immediately. You do not want to have AIDS, herpes, or genital warts for the rest of your life [again, this guy is smart].
Women are flimsy, exploit this, but be careful, it can be borderline rape. If you are interested show it god dammit, you are not 13 anymore! Tell her how sexy/beautiful/hot she is, make eye contact, flirt, get her interested, laugh with her, start conversation. Know what you want! Don't get caught between possibilities, if you wanna go for sex, go for it! Of you wanna go for a handjob, go for it! If you just want to spend time together, then do it. If you have a good body show it off, ask her what she thinks about your abs, arms, pecs, legs [yeah, great move!]. If things don't work out, move on, find another. Remember theory and practical application are two completely different things, a stud can use the theory sucessfully, a nerd can't, a nerd can't get anything. You must find her attractive, you must be turned on, you must want her. Otherwise throw in the towel, go do something else you want to do, once you start going for girls you don't want then hunting is ruined. If you don't want to go out and meet women, then don't. If you do you are wasting your time. Meet bitches because you wanna! And be enthused about it. Know you look good, then go meet women. When you call a girl that you wanna fuck don't wait for her to start conversation, know who you are, what ou want, make conversation, don't be too pushy, you could be spending your time with somebody else. Personality is a turn on. You need to have something that they want. You are attracted to a woman because of her radiance/ability to have sex with her. There exists the same thing for women. You need to make yourself look like something that they want. Look good, smile, sense of humour, do your hair. Don't expect girls to go for you if you just go to school day in day out with you hair not done [it's such a deal breaker!] and 5-6 hours of sleep. Make yourself attractive. If you are not that experienced in the sack don't say it, just go fuck. Have some fun. Talking about how bad you are or how little you've done is a turn off, just go have some nice sex. Sex is for both sides, don't forget this! She wants it just as bad as you do.
Don't Waste Your Time
Never spend the night with a woman unless you will have sex, she is you girlfriend, or you really like spending time with her, otherwise you'll just have a massive boner the whole night that won't be satisfied, congratulations, one night wasted. if girls are not attracted to you, don't go for them, don't even talk to them, think about and be around hot girls. If an ugly girl has hot friends, then it's okay to hang out with the ugly girl, otherwise don't mess with her. Some girls at your age are stuck up and won't even think about getting with you. This is why girls a couple years younger are always an option. If you're 18 then maybe a 16 year old would be good, instead of a 20 or 19 year old. All depends though really. I'm 18 and have had sexual experiences with 20 and 16 year olds, so yea, all depends on the situation really.
At a Bar
When at a bar - 2 rules:
1. Always dance with a girl, never by yourself or with other guys.
2. Never dance with immigrant girls.
Your hair makes you. At a bar strangers don't get to 'know' you. All they know is how you look, so make yourself look dam fine. What do you say to a girl when you're grinding, or should you even talk? You shouldn't really say that much, just let your look and bodies do the talking. You can't hear them anyway, just get jiggy.
Playing Guitar For Them
Play with confidence. Know the words, know you know how to sing, know you will get her, know she will be yours. Sweet talk her in between. Never play guitar for whores, save that for the nice girls.
Be determined but don't talk down on them. This isn't a business deal when you need to put down your opponent. Don't talk too fast, make small talk. Get to the question 'wanna hang out some time?,' don't rush the question. Don't stutter, say 'it's (your name).' Come across as knowing what you want. If your voice dies then I pity you, all manliness is then gone, for all other pubescent males. If you meet a girl who you're attracted to, and have only met her once, never tell her to call you. Women are incapable and flimsy, so she will most likely never get around to it [when a girl disses you, it must mean she's incapable and flimsy].Get her number and call her. Unfortunately this is a sad truth, women just can't take the first step.
How to Manage Manage Multiple Women
We shall assume that women do not like it when you are dating/fucking a girl besides themselves. Thus the girls you mess around with should never have contact with each other. Take your neighbour, one who lives an hour away, and one from school, be creative [because that was] . Where can you meet women who don't have any contact whatsoever with each other.
At a Café
If you ever meet a girl at a café then you must buy something. That's the whole point. you must buy a coffee, a sandwich, something. You can't just go there and sit down, the girl will think you are weird and will feel awkward. I know we men don't like to live for bitches but this is a simple thing that could be a great hindrance. Women are arbitrary, that's how it is, just buy a dam coffee.
Talking With a Nice Girl
When you are taking a walk you are doing just that, taking a walk. Don't run, don't sloth, just mozy along and make conversation with the girl. This is the point of a walk, to take it easy and enjoy time with the female. Talk about life, what's going on, just get to know her better, determine which one of the 4 types of women she is.
Giving Up Sex
Do girls get offended if you have had fun the whole night and then spend the night together and don't have sex? I have done this once. We both slept in the same bed in a spooning position and just laid there until morning, however no sex. I've heard girls say that 90% of the time when a girl is lying beside a guy in bed she is thinking about sex. So I wonder if she got pissed at me for not initiating intercourse. If you are going to spend the night with a girl you must have sex though, or get some type of sexual stimulation. Otherwise it's just awkward.
Dates are only for the nice girls. Whores will put out if you invite them directly to your place, so don't take whores on dates."
Or maybe it's just sexist.
"Types of Girls
There are 6 types of girls in this world. Whores, nice girls, chill girls, maternal girls, family, and useless girls. Whores are girls you just want to bang and don't respect. Chill girls are girls you just like to hang out with, no romancing. Maternal girls are moms, grandmas, friend's moms, mature women, etc... Family are cousins, sisters, step-sisters, etc... Useless girls are girls that you have no interest in whatsoever. This book will deal with girls you want to get busywith, i.e. whores and nice girls and how you get them.
Nice Girls vs. Whores
Never kiss whores. After you are together with a whore forget her immediately and move on to another, unless she is girlfriend material[?!]. Fuckbuddies are nice. Don't love or romanticize sluts and whores, they'll just end up breaking your heart, lust them instead, understand which girls are whores and which ones are not. Act accordingly. Just because they dress and act like whores doesn't mean that they are[?!], for all you know they might be single and trying to attract a man by dressing sexy, just like you are trying to attract a girlfriend/women by looking sexy. Not all girls that dress like whores are. Just because girls have a boyfriend doesn't mean that they are off the market. Understand that you are a man, you can have sex with both nice girls and whores openly. Society will allow you to do so without a negative outlook. It's different with bitches. Know and appreciate this fact, you have total freedom. Girls think it's impressive and attractive when a guy says he doesn't need sex. This is a phenomena I've noticed. Not sure how rampant it truly is though. Don't be romantic with whores. They exist for one purpose, and one purpose only, to make you ejaculate! Girlfriends and nice girls are girls that you enjoy being around and who make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Whores should not do this, if they do then they are not whores [this guy is so intelligent]. Don't do romantic dinners or warm fuzzy stuff with whores. Save that for nice girls. Whores are just for fucking, nothing more.
Where Do I Meet Bitches?
Hot chicks love to hang out at nice cafes and the library. Go there with a girl who has them as friends or with a guy that you can pick up chicks with, then go to work. If you want to have a one night stand then the best place to meet up with chicks is after a party. They've been drinking, you've been drinking, everybody's in a good mood. The time is right, it's a party, it's the right time. The mood just won't be the same if you meet up with her 1 on 1 a couple days later and want to get laid. The time will have passed.
Realize Their Personality Types
Never mess around with immigrant girls. They are cocky and have brothers. It may be fun in the beginning but in the end when she feels hurt her brothers will come to execute you for your wrongdoing. Go for white girls, they are simple, have no brothers, and like exotic stuff.
Know What You Are Getting Into (Both Literally and Metaphorically)
If you are in a bar and see a hot chick, go for her immediately. Don't take advantage of girls who are really, seriously in love with you. Tell them there is nothing, otherwise you will break their hearts. You are a man and can have anything, spare them the pain and get something else, unless of course you want to be their boyfriend or in a relationship. Some girls have STDs and diseases, be aware, and if they do then leave them immediately. You do not want to have AIDS, herpes, or genital warts for the rest of your life [again, this guy is smart].
Women are flimsy, exploit this, but be careful, it can be borderline rape. If you are interested show it god dammit, you are not 13 anymore! Tell her how sexy/beautiful/hot she is, make eye contact, flirt, get her interested, laugh with her, start conversation. Know what you want! Don't get caught between possibilities, if you wanna go for sex, go for it! Of you wanna go for a handjob, go for it! If you just want to spend time together, then do it. If you have a good body show it off, ask her what she thinks about your abs, arms, pecs, legs [yeah, great move!]. If things don't work out, move on, find another. Remember theory and practical application are two completely different things, a stud can use the theory sucessfully, a nerd can't, a nerd can't get anything. You must find her attractive, you must be turned on, you must want her. Otherwise throw in the towel, go do something else you want to do, once you start going for girls you don't want then hunting is ruined. If you don't want to go out and meet women, then don't. If you do you are wasting your time. Meet bitches because you wanna! And be enthused about it. Know you look good, then go meet women. When you call a girl that you wanna fuck don't wait for her to start conversation, know who you are, what ou want, make conversation, don't be too pushy, you could be spending your time with somebody else. Personality is a turn on. You need to have something that they want. You are attracted to a woman because of her radiance/ability to have sex with her. There exists the same thing for women. You need to make yourself look like something that they want. Look good, smile, sense of humour, do your hair. Don't expect girls to go for you if you just go to school day in day out with you hair not done [it's such a deal breaker!] and 5-6 hours of sleep. Make yourself attractive. If you are not that experienced in the sack don't say it, just go fuck. Have some fun. Talking about how bad you are or how little you've done is a turn off, just go have some nice sex. Sex is for both sides, don't forget this! She wants it just as bad as you do.
Don't Waste Your Time
Never spend the night with a woman unless you will have sex, she is you girlfriend, or you really like spending time with her, otherwise you'll just have a massive boner the whole night that won't be satisfied, congratulations, one night wasted. if girls are not attracted to you, don't go for them, don't even talk to them, think about and be around hot girls. If an ugly girl has hot friends, then it's okay to hang out with the ugly girl, otherwise don't mess with her. Some girls at your age are stuck up and won't even think about getting with you. This is why girls a couple years younger are always an option. If you're 18 then maybe a 16 year old would be good, instead of a 20 or 19 year old. All depends though really. I'm 18 and have had sexual experiences with 20 and 16 year olds, so yea, all depends on the situation really.
At a Bar
When at a bar - 2 rules:
1. Always dance with a girl, never by yourself or with other guys.
2. Never dance with immigrant girls.
Your hair makes you. At a bar strangers don't get to 'know' you. All they know is how you look, so make yourself look dam fine. What do you say to a girl when you're grinding, or should you even talk? You shouldn't really say that much, just let your look and bodies do the talking. You can't hear them anyway, just get jiggy.
Playing Guitar For Them
Play with confidence. Know the words, know you know how to sing, know you will get her, know she will be yours. Sweet talk her in between. Never play guitar for whores, save that for the nice girls.
Be determined but don't talk down on them. This isn't a business deal when you need to put down your opponent. Don't talk too fast, make small talk. Get to the question 'wanna hang out some time?,' don't rush the question. Don't stutter, say 'it's (your name).' Come across as knowing what you want. If your voice dies then I pity you, all manliness is then gone, for all other pubescent males. If you meet a girl who you're attracted to, and have only met her once, never tell her to call you. Women are incapable and flimsy, so she will most likely never get around to it [when a girl disses you, it must mean she's incapable and flimsy].Get her number and call her. Unfortunately this is a sad truth, women just can't take the first step.
How to Manage Manage Multiple Women
We shall assume that women do not like it when you are dating/fucking a girl besides themselves. Thus the girls you mess around with should never have contact with each other. Take your neighbour, one who lives an hour away, and one from school, be creative [because that was] . Where can you meet women who don't have any contact whatsoever with each other.
At a Café
If you ever meet a girl at a café then you must buy something. That's the whole point. you must buy a coffee, a sandwich, something. You can't just go there and sit down, the girl will think you are weird and will feel awkward. I know we men don't like to live for bitches but this is a simple thing that could be a great hindrance. Women are arbitrary, that's how it is, just buy a dam coffee.
Talking With a Nice Girl
When you are taking a walk you are doing just that, taking a walk. Don't run, don't sloth, just mozy along and make conversation with the girl. This is the point of a walk, to take it easy and enjoy time with the female. Talk about life, what's going on, just get to know her better, determine which one of the 4 types of women she is.
Giving Up Sex
Do girls get offended if you have had fun the whole night and then spend the night together and don't have sex? I have done this once. We both slept in the same bed in a spooning position and just laid there until morning, however no sex. I've heard girls say that 90% of the time when a girl is lying beside a guy in bed she is thinking about sex. So I wonder if she got pissed at me for not initiating intercourse. If you are going to spend the night with a girl you must have sex though, or get some type of sexual stimulation. Otherwise it's just awkward.
Dates are only for the nice girls. Whores will put out if you invite them directly to your place, so don't take whores on dates."
And I Reply..
"Hi, Mr. Boulton,
No, I don't need anything printed up, just need to know what we recieved, in terms of what it was called.
Also, I am not referring to the 150 CAS hours embedded into my diploma. I am referring to the "community service"
hours we did for the end of tenth grade, I believe. If I'm not mistaken it was for 24 hours?
And I'm sorry that I seem to be the epitome of a non-assembly goer.
Isabella "
No, I don't need anything printed up, just need to know what we recieved, in terms of what it was called.
Also, I am not referring to the 150 CAS hours embedded into my diploma. I am referring to the "community service"
hours we did for the end of tenth grade, I believe. If I'm not mistaken it was for 24 hours?
And I'm sorry that I seem to be the epitome of a non-assembly goer.
Isabella "
Oh My, Mr Boulton
Hahahaha. Okay, so I was asking my old IB diploma coordinator for some information on the qualifications we recieved before the diploma. And then he had to bring it up, again, every chance he communicates with me in any form, how he thinks it awful that I didn't show to pick up my diploma at the Christmas Assembly. On top of that, he seems to think I'm stupid.
Mr Boulton, Mr Boulton...
"Hi Izzy Lizzy,
officially you didn't really get any qualification at the end of year 10 - although the school could write somethign that says you finished year 10 and finished Biology A etc . you will have to see Mrs Crambourne if yo want that.
CAS was 150 hours - don't you remember? 50 hours in C, 50 in A, 50 in S.
It wasn't a CAS diploma in its own right. It was a component of the diploma that you had to complete to be able to be awarded the diploma.
I am glad you were able to afford us and hour of your time for the assembly in December when the students picked up their diplomas.
It was heartening to see such a big turn out.
Mr. Boulton "
Mr Boulton, Mr Boulton...
"Hi Izzy Lizzy,
officially you didn't really get any qualification at the end of year 10 - although the school could write somethign that says you finished year 10 and finished Biology A etc . you will have to see Mrs Crambourne if yo want that.
CAS was 150 hours - don't you remember? 50 hours in C, 50 in A, 50 in S.
It wasn't a CAS diploma in its own right. It was a component of the diploma that you had to complete to be able to be awarded the diploma.
I am glad you were able to afford us and hour of your time for the assembly in December when the students picked up their diplomas.
It was heartening to see such a big turn out.
Mr. Boulton "
Note to Self
Previously on Passing the Fuck Out:

Say no at 1. or 2 even 3. Not yes to four and five. If pizza's optional, choose it!
Become a swimmer like Ivan. Bring a paperback Qur'an to the pub, pretend
to be a Muslim. Don't bike when you can walk. Don't bring your creditcard.
"Vad heter du?(!)"
"Här e ditt kort..."

Say no at 1. or 2 even 3. Not yes to four and five. If pizza's optional, choose it!
Become a swimmer like Ivan. Bring a paperback Qur'an to the pub, pretend
to be a Muslim. Don't bike when you can walk. Don't bring your creditcard.
"Vad heter du?(!)"
"Här e ditt kort..."
Butterflies in My Stomach
I'm going to Stockholm tomorrow, weee!! I'm so happy that I'll get to see all of you again in just a few hours!
The suitcase, though, still lies on the floor where I left it two hours ago. Empty. I've looked at it now and then, thinking that I should start packing for New York - Really don't know how! Maybe I should do like Isabella and just bring everything, to make sure that nothing's missing. /Regina
The suitcase, though, still lies on the floor where I left it two hours ago. Empty. I've looked at it now and then, thinking that I should start packing for New York - Really don't know how! Maybe I should do like Isabella and just bring everything, to make sure that nothing's missing. /Regina
я не понимаю
Igår fick jag chansen att briljera med mina nästan helt glömda ryskakunskaper på jobbet. Det gick inte så bra.. Den lilla estländska farbrorn har nämligen börjat jobba hos oss igen, så igår bad de andra mig att agera tolk för att de ska kunna kommunicera med honom. - Vad roligt! tänkte jag
Vad de ville veta var om han byggde sitt hus i sten eller trä, så esten börjar prata med mig, jättemycket, jättesnabbt!! Sedan frågar han: "Förstår du?", "Da." Men egentligen hade jag bara förstått ett ord - hus. Sedan frågar han hur jag lärt mig ryska. Letar i minnet och säger några ord jag minns "Ne izutjajo... russkij... jazyk" Sedan försöker jag hinta att de ska lämna mig ifred, genom att titta ner i golvet och verka stressad över någon uppgift, tillslut förstår de och drar. Sedan dess är det lite konstig stämning när jag går förbi
Vad de ville veta var om han byggde sitt hus i sten eller trä, så esten börjar prata med mig, jättemycket, jättesnabbt!! Sedan frågar han: "Förstår du?", "Da." Men egentligen hade jag bara förstått ett ord - hus. Sedan frågar han hur jag lärt mig ryska. Letar i minnet och säger några ord jag minns "Ne izutjajo... russkij... jazyk" Sedan försöker jag hinta att de ska lämna mig ifred, genom att titta ner i golvet och verka stressad över någon uppgift, tillslut förstår de och drar. Sedan dess är det lite konstig stämning när jag går förbi
Vive la Suède
So I've been blogging like the Luna Lovegood I'm sometimes known to be. I blame James.
We dipped crackers in banana bread dough and then the rest became banana cake. Just watched Harold & Kumar - New York. Watching SATC - ... making me think of hating on Miranda with R. Making me think of one week ahead in time and I won't be walking in snow.
Which makes me think of yesterday, met up with a friend who has some friends over there, and the freaky thing is is that one of his best friends is apparently pretty obsessed with Swedes and Sweden, "he even has books about Sweden" and is taking a course in Swedish at his uni. I find this to be pretty hilarious! That Europe is exotic. Another part of the Western world = exotic.
Basically, Ed and his other best friend are willing to pay for my trip to Brown, so that I could visit this interesting individual, so that he could meet a real Swede. This is all so bewildering. But I'm up for the challenge.
We dipped crackers in banana bread dough and then the rest became banana cake. Just watched Harold & Kumar - New York. Watching SATC - ... making me think of hating on Miranda with R. Making me think of one week ahead in time and I won't be walking in snow.
Which makes me think of yesterday, met up with a friend who has some friends over there, and the freaky thing is is that one of his best friends is apparently pretty obsessed with Swedes and Sweden, "he even has books about Sweden" and is taking a course in Swedish at his uni. I find this to be pretty hilarious! That Europe is exotic. Another part of the Western world = exotic.
Basically, Ed and his other best friend are willing to pay for my trip to Brown, so that I could visit this interesting individual, so that he could meet a real Swede. This is all so bewildering. But I'm up for the challenge.
James Enjoys "Courage Wolf"

Hey, At Least There's a Face in There


Hola! Cómo estas, la noche?

Dog, shoes, trees, Grizzly Bear, and a breath of fresh air. /Isabella la la la.
I Got The Job!
Vet inte vad det innebär exakt, men har jobb i Stockholm i sommar om jag vill.
På samma ställe som Linus

och jag vet inte om det blir så, men jag vet ju, vi vet att det kan bli väldigt bra!
Vet inte vad det innebär exakt, men har jobb i Stockholm i sommar om jag vill.
På samma ställe som Linus

och jag vet inte om det blir så, men jag vet ju, vi vet att det kan bli väldigt bra!
Between Night and Day
I have other hang ups, besides the one Isabella brought up earlier today, and one
is Lomo cameras - because of the soft-focused, dreamy pictures they can produce.
I think it's the imperfection in these photos that fascinates me.

Photo by Phil Bebbington
Both Isabella and I were so relieved to hear that we really have a place to stay in
New York! We weren't entirely sure until now.. No more worries, I think I'm ready
to leave next week!
Working tomorrow, better catch some sleep. /Regina
is Lomo cameras - because of the soft-focused, dreamy pictures they can produce.
I think it's the imperfection in these photos that fascinates me.

Photo by Phil Bebbington
Both Isabella and I were so relieved to hear that we really have a place to stay in
New York! We weren't entirely sure until now.. No more worries, I think I'm ready
to leave next week!
Working tomorrow, better catch some sleep. /Regina
I'm Feeling Accomplished
We offically have a place to stay, it's confirmed! So we're staying at a place which is in the Clinton Hill area, on Bedford Ave to be more exact, I would say, but I am no New Yorker, so who I am to judge from solely reading a map. But after this trip I hope I'll be in the periphery of saying: "I lived the life of a New Yorker."
Yayayayayy. /Isabella
- Why am I so happy? Because it's free.
Yayayayayy. /Isabella
- Why am I so happy? Because it's free.
Surprise, Surprise, Regina!
Qty | Event/Item | Venue: | Delivery |
2 | Asobi Seksu Thu, Apr 2, 2009 08:00 PM | Bowery Ballroom NEW YORK, NY | International Will Call * |

HAHA, Regina Cracks Me Up!
Regina blir helt tagen när det talas om trosor. Va é grejjen, liksom?
Regina has this thing for panties. She's completely infatuated with this type of undergarment. She dreams of all the pairs she'll be able to buy at Victoria's Secret, and how they'll be so beautifully packeted in tissue paper. I questioned WHy?? in the name of God is this something to get all dreamy about, and she dignified my question with an answer saying something I don't have permission to blog about... HaHA. She's weird.
Speaking of underwear/ sexy-wear/ panties, don't you just Haaate(!) the word naughty? I believe it's something worth mentioning because it is so utterly appalling! At least in 'panties' you hear the 't' ! In 'naughty' it's all 'naauuuggh', no 't' but something sounding like a distorted 'd'. And it's not like you can fake British for just one word(?)! Disturbing.
Regina has this thing for panties. She's completely infatuated with this type of undergarment. She dreams of all the pairs she'll be able to buy at Victoria's Secret, and how they'll be so beautifully packeted in tissue paper. I questioned WHy?? in the name of God is this something to get all dreamy about, and she dignified my question with an answer saying something I don't have permission to blog about... HaHA. She's weird.
Speaking of underwear/ sexy-wear/ panties, don't you just Haaate(!) the word naughty? I believe it's something worth mentioning because it is so utterly appalling! At least in 'panties' you hear the 't' ! In 'naughty' it's all 'naauuuggh', no 't' but something sounding like a distorted 'd'. And it's not like you can fake British for just one word(?)! Disturbing.
The Past is in the Past, Not That Anything Ever Happened!
Konstigt, konstigt! Okej, träffa en cool kille på en bar som tyckte jag var cool för att jag sa "peace/piece." Fin konst, men konstig dåvarande flickvän som sökt upp mig på YouTube!!
Made by Matthu:

Här är fd flickvännens mejl till mig:
Made by Matthu:

Här är fd flickvännens mejl till mig:
Jag var Matthus flickvän i Hbg. (Skulle gifta oss osv) Vad jag förstår var han rättså flörtig när jag inte var hemma typ. Vill bara veta vad som egentligen hände - om du hade en relation med honom, eller vad... Hur lärde du känna honom ...och så..
Är inte ute efter dig, bor inte ens kvar i stan....
Försöker bara förstå vad som egentligen hände mellan oss och var sanningen egentligen fanns...
Maila mig gärna!
/Isabella Hahahahahah
Är inte ute efter dig, bor inte ens kvar i stan....
Försöker bara förstå vad som egentligen hände mellan oss och var sanningen egentligen fanns...
Maila mig gärna!
/Isabella Hahahahahah
Overseas Phone Calls
Jag är ledig och har skypedate med Anna, som flyttar från Leyton idag,
fick precis en rundtur i huset och jag tror bara det kan bli bättre än nu,
var de än hamnar.

Nu tänker jag ringa och se vad som händer hemma hos Isabella.
Jag känner för att ta mig ut någonstans, kanske åka buss jättelångt och
få nya intryck, vad som helst som inte är (eken?) utanför fönstret.
och snälla mars, skynda på! /R
fick precis en rundtur i huset och jag tror bara det kan bli bättre än nu,
var de än hamnar.

Nu tänker jag ringa och se vad som händer hemma hos Isabella.
Jag känner för att ta mig ut någonstans, kanske åka buss jättelångt och
få nya intryck, vad som helst som inte är (eken?) utanför fönstret.
och snälla mars, skynda på! /R
Late Night, the Only Time I Function
På dagarna är jag sjuk, sent på kvällen blir jag frisk och då stannar jag uppe och översätter. Men i strävan att befordra min hälsa promenerar jag. Mamma också.
Med musik. Ibland ihop. Regina längtar, bränner skivor för ljudkvalitet bortom inbyggda datahögtalare. Sammanhanget:
"På tal om att bränna skivor, ska bränna Animal Collective's nya till mamma. Jag frågade om hon ville lyssna när vi gick i skogen, och så hade hon på sig hörlurarna hela turen! Jag bara: "Mamma, man brukar inte ha på sig hörlurar hela tiden när man går med någon annan..." hon fatta inte hinten: "jasså, det visste jag inte," och fortsätter med Brothersport på hög volym." /I.
Med musik. Ibland ihop. Regina längtar, bränner skivor för ljudkvalitet bortom inbyggda datahögtalare. Sammanhanget:
"På tal om att bränna skivor, ska bränna Animal Collective's nya till mamma. Jag frågade om hon ville lyssna när vi gick i skogen, och så hade hon på sig hörlurarna hela turen! Jag bara: "Mamma, man brukar inte ha på sig hörlurar hela tiden när man går med någon annan..." hon fatta inte hinten: "jasså, det visste jag inte," och fortsätter med Brothersport på hög volym." /I.
Pounding Head
Boom Boom Boom Boom Badump Badump Badunk Badunk Ouch!
But this photo keeps me cracking up. Sexy-pose. Hottt! /Isabella

But this photo keeps me cracking up. Sexy-pose. Hottt! /Isabella

I'm a Bitch
Ibland vet jag inte riktigt vad som försiggår i min skalle. Det här med att jag spelar över. Alla har fel, jag vrålar och spottar litegrann. Jag 'argumenterar' rakt emot bara för att det är skoj. Knäppgökigt.
Som ikväll: min brorsa ska i skolan argumenta emot ett förslag om att kvinnor ska få bidrag för tamponger och dylikt. Jag skrek att jag var för, "att kvinnor kan inte hjälpa det, männen får iaf 20% mer lön statisktiskt sett, så värför inte skänka femtio kr till kvinnorna varje månad?!" yadi yadi Gudrun Schymanshat. Efter 20 minuters struntprat:
"Du vet väl att jag egentligen håller med?" Köp menskopp då. /Isabella

Som ikväll: min brorsa ska i skolan argumenta emot ett förslag om att kvinnor ska få bidrag för tamponger och dylikt. Jag skrek att jag var för, "att kvinnor kan inte hjälpa det, männen får iaf 20% mer lön statisktiskt sett, så värför inte skänka femtio kr till kvinnorna varje månad?!" yadi yadi Gudrun Schymanshat. Efter 20 minuters struntprat:
"Du vet väl att jag egentligen håller med?" Köp menskopp då. /Isabella

Night Air
Jag har jobbat två dagar utan särskilt mycket sömn, har därför sovit bort nästan hela den här dagen och nu har jag inget grepp om tiden, konstig känsla. Det fungerade nog tack vare allt kaffe. Nu är frågan om jag ska sova mer eller försöka hitta på något . .. .... kanske behöver lite luft

Jobbade med Bianca igår,
vi står i kassan och hjälper varsin kund och jag hör henne säga
"Vill du ha någon speciell, eller storleken har ingen betydelse?"
Och tanten svarar:
"Nej det säger de att den inte har ju!"

Jobbade med Bianca igår,
vi står i kassan och hjälper varsin kund och jag hör henne säga
"Vill du ha någon speciell, eller storleken har ingen betydelse?"
Och tanten svarar:
"Nej det säger de att den inte har ju!"
" No. 3
My brother insists that I owe him 400 kr. I'm pretty sure it's still 140.

" No. 2
I just got a text saying:
"Wana blaze? If u got any?"
"Wana blaze? If u got any?"
Saturday Post-Lunch Irritation No. 1
Okay, I'm sick so I'm kinda cranky, but still. Who plays "Albion" (or rather strums chords in
a monotonous manner) over and over again on an electric guitar? Over and over again?
On my electric guitar? This junkie-acoustic song? - My brother! I don't see the point,
nothing ever changes. It's awful. /I.x o x o x o x xxxxxxx o _ - - - - ' Ä* += ¤ # xxxx o x o x o x
a monotonous manner) over and over again on an electric guitar? Over and over again?
On my electric guitar? This junkie-acoustic song? - My brother! I don't see the point,
nothing ever changes. It's awful. /I.
We Did Go See Animal Collective

Fists Up!

Just biked Regina and myself home. Took my first bite of food 02:30 am,
ten minutes ago, since pre 6 o'clock, which means 8½ hours of non-eating
whilst being awake. I do not know how anorexics do it, "food" was reiterating
non-stop in my head since 00. I was not exactly much of a conversationalist
at the time. HEAVEN is cold pasta out of the fridge.
Nirvana is Animal Collective! /Isabella

Iamsicksicksick. Feeling like a cheeseburger, the same health content.
Going to the show!! Awesome. Will be back with 'photographic evidence'.

CHEEzeBURGAH (Isabella)
Going to the show!! Awesome. Will be back with 'photographic evidence'.

CHEEzeBURGAH (Isabella)
We ran ran ran, but missed the bus anyways, uhm.. scatterbrains! We've stabilized ourselves in the couch now, watching SATC, trash-talking Miranda. And I'm gonna crash at Isabella's tonight, sweet! R
The Rush

Isabella already told you pretty much everything about what's going on at the moment, not so much, obviously. I'm trying to forget about the 9-6-working day I have ahead of me, but it won't be that hard to survive 'cause I'll be thinking about the night's concert all day long. I wish Jacob could be there too. Well, looking forward to it anyways! (Ps. 15 days left now)
Have to run! See you tomorrow
Wednesday Night Escapism

Cranberryjuicevodka and Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavillion.
Yeah Baby!
Okay, so we won't be going to the Crystal Stilts concert today, but we will be
going to the Animal Collective show tomorrow at Mejeriet in Lund. Just got
the tickets. Awesome!!! /Regina & Isabella, all ears open, dreamy hopin'

going to the Animal Collective show tomorrow at Mejeriet in Lund. Just got
the tickets. Awesome!!! /Regina & Isabella, all ears open, dreamy hopin'

Ay Ay, Captain!
Hip hip hurra. Soon I will be recieving the lovely X's Guide to Women. I'm pretty sure I know who wrote it :P. But I won't post this guy's identity, no need for such public humiliation. The prejudice speaks for itself..
In the meanwhile, listenening to Crystal Stilts, mourning the fact that I probably won't be there to see them play at Debaser tonight due to penny-saving priorities.
In the meanwhile, listenening to Crystal Stilts, mourning the fact that I probably won't be there to see them play at Debaser tonight due to penny-saving priorities.
Hysteria a a a a a
Being poor and indecisive is not the best combination.
Choice no 1: Not to give a crap about university rankings, choose the one that seems comfortable and nice, has the right student body, isn't pretentious, a choice that means not having to take those time consuming, mind throbbing, life robbing fucking exams. Being in the periphery of friends.
Choice no 2: To care about university rankings, choose the one with the highest ranking, the one with tradition and pretentious people, people that care about etiquette and really boring stuff, a choice which means having to take the exams, wasting (?) a two month chunk of valuable time. Maybe being in the periphery of friends, but certainly not as close, if close at all. Maybe skiing.
I plan to lure over Regina tomorrow so we can drink ourselves away from this realm and into another beyond practicalities and sorrows. /Isabella
Choice no 1: Not to give a crap about university rankings, choose the one that seems comfortable and nice, has the right student body, isn't pretentious, a choice that means not having to take those time consuming, mind throbbing, life robbing fucking exams. Being in the periphery of friends.
Choice no 2: To care about university rankings, choose the one with the highest ranking, the one with tradition and pretentious people, people that care about etiquette and really boring stuff, a choice which means having to take the exams, wasting (?) a two month chunk of valuable time. Maybe being in the periphery of friends, but certainly not as close, if close at all. Maybe skiing.
I plan to lure over Regina tomorrow so we can drink ourselves away from this realm and into another beyond practicalities and sorrows. /Isabella
Äöµ2kär1141*bl¨¨7~ (EW∃ Remix)!
"We are retarding ehe yup that's what we're doin'."
"Yup, tha's right, at my crib in H-town"
"Sure sucks bein' back hun', but luckily I have u t' hang outah with"
"Awe, true, I got you babe!"

"Yup, tha's right, at my crib in H-town"
"Sure sucks bein' back hun', but luckily I have u t' hang outah with"
"Awe, true, I got you babe!"

Regario and Isabuigu

Oh Mah Ghaad!
I cannot believe that in eighteen days Regina and I will be in NY. WTF. It's weird. And what to do? Going to spend some time doing some more extensive research. Yes, I plan to have sit downs with all the people I know who've been there. I indeed think so.
And Nina just got her ticket, this will be quite the reunion! Checked out some old footage from her Goodbye Party, September last year,
"By the way, what happened to the bike when you told your mom?"'
Stay tuned, for soon I will be posting the hilarious Guide to Women. /Isabella
And Nina just got her ticket, this will be quite the reunion! Checked out some old footage from her Goodbye Party, September last year,
"By the way, what happened to the bike when you told your mom?"'
Stay tuned, for soon I will be posting the hilarious Guide to Women. /Isabella