Crazy Lazy
Whilst Regina's been working a hard day's 8-6, I've been lazying around, procrastinating, the usual, hangin' out with Mike and Maja, revisting Ferris Bueller's Day Off, not studying..
Eating marshmallows with peanut butter. I highly recommend it.
I would say I should have a lot of rethinking to do...

Eating marshmallows with peanut butter. I highly recommend it.
I would say I should have a lot of rethinking to do...

I just got home from the train. Decided to stay for another day, but now I'm back again, eating canned soup in the middle of the night. I have put on some stupid cold and will have to go to work like this tomorrow. Actually, I'm working three days in a row. YEAH! But I'm happy anyways, 'cause I finally got to see Cookie. /R
I have spent the weekend in Stockholm, and was supposed to go back home today, but really don't want to. Probably won't be back here again until spring, it's a lot of time you know.. should I stay, should I go?
Happy Happy Clap Clap
Nu är det meningen att jag ska ringa upp IM och boka intervju. Vet inte om
jag pallar. Vill jag vara ett nervvrak när vi drar till New York?
Hursomhelt smällde jag och Michelle i oss mängder med mat igårkväll,
vi blev lyckliga. Sallad med avokado, jordgubb, apelsin osv... och sedan
omelett, därefter banankaka med chokladglass och jordnötssmör.
I förebyggande syfte gick vi en tvåtimmarspromenad. /Isabella

Slängde upp kakan ur ugnen, skrapade formen.
jag pallar. Vill jag vara ett nervvrak när vi drar till New York?
Hursomhelt smällde jag och Michelle i oss mängder med mat igårkväll,
vi blev lyckliga. Sallad med avokado, jordgubb, apelsin osv... och sedan
omelett, därefter banankaka med chokladglass och jordnötssmör.
I förebyggande syfte gick vi en tvåtimmarspromenad. /Isabella

Slängde upp kakan ur ugnen, skrapade formen.
Climate Change

Just took a stroll through the woods, and it's snowing like crazy.
I do loove the winter! Regina prefers the sunny summer season, but what's so nice about sweating your ass off if you're not even exercising? I'd rather be preserved like the chicken filets in my freezer.
Regina is attending training days for some easy come, easy go-canvassing job that I haven't heard anything from yet. I'm going to call those suckers.

Vandalism in the forest
Tick Tack
I feel like time is ticking away - a month ago our home was behind a Janitor's closet in Copenhagen, now only a month remains until we go to New York, and spring has slowly begun to awaken from its coma.

Sometimes I like spending the night swirling across the floor.

Sometimes I like spending the night swirling across the floor.
I'm In Love With Denial

The morning spoke with an Alp-blue sky.
My Life as a Dog

Hey Handsome Hand Me Some of You
Isabella säger att min engelska låter sorglig. Använde faktiskt ordet ångestladdad, därav min titel. Hon sitter och tittar på ett tv-program om plastikoperation, som jag får ångest av på riktigt. Så flyr hit. Vi har varit ute och gått i skogen, under fullmåne och stjärnklar himmel, fint
Imorse berättade pappa att han hade hört på radion att de som kan hålla en takt under en längre tid, har högre intelligens: "Yes!! Jag är smart"
Imorse berättade pappa att han hade hört på radion att de som kan hålla en takt under en längre tid, har högre intelligens: "Yes!! Jag är smart"

I Hate Valentine's Day
Jag var ensam kvar på jobbet och skulle stänga, så ringde telefonen och det var en person som hängt efter oss hela dagen och ställt massa frågor om allt, och helt plötsligt: Vad ska du göra på St. Valentines day?
Inte okej!
Inte okej!
Breath of Fresh Air
Översatt en massa låttexter från svenska till engelska. Med andra ord: palla engelska!
Tänkte bara klaga över hur absurt lurad jag känner mig -
jag kommer definitivt att forsätta betala tio kronor mer för längre andetag.
____________ ?


Okay, so it all started with us rushing off the buss too soon.
So, we took a train from Lund.

We arrived in Malmo with the same amount of time on our hands, but with
less money.

Fancy furniture store



They liked our outfits.

Tonight Kicked Ass!
So, the weather outside is shitty. It looks pretty - but really, it's wet snow.
Our inebriated night, partly spent outside of a fancy furniture store in the periphery of Debaser, eating kick-ass falafel and drinking supermarket beer, was a well needed break from our trivial lives. Looking forward to hangover pizza tomorrow.
Over and out! /Isabella
Our inebriated night, partly spent outside of a fancy furniture store in the periphery of Debaser, eating kick-ass falafel and drinking supermarket beer, was a well needed break from our trivial lives. Looking forward to hangover pizza tomorrow.
Over and out! /Isabella
Trees, I Like 'em

I spent my Friday night smoking cheap cigarettes and photographing trees, it was all a mist. This night we're going to Malmö, haven't been there in a while, so I'm looking forward. In a way, it feels like home.. /Regina
A Day to Celebrate?
Saturday. It's often like this, lack of motivation to go out, because most of the time it's boring and the people I meet suck. And another big turn-off is when things are planned in a certain way, you have to be there at a certain time etc etc. It's not just "hey, you wanna meet up?" It's like "this thing is organized and you should be there, if you're not things will fall apart."
Almost that kind of pressure.
And really, what is there to celebrate -
that I'm broke but careless enough to still spend my money?
I know a place I'd really like to be, at the free Bear in Heaven show at BAMcafé, Brooklyn, NY. That's the kind of sound I wanna be around tonight, lulling and dreamy. Not noisy and loud, from incoherent drunken conversation. /Isabella

Almost that kind of pressure.
And really, what is there to celebrate -
that I'm broke but careless enough to still spend my money?
I know a place I'd really like to be, at the free Bear in Heaven show at BAMcafé, Brooklyn, NY. That's the kind of sound I wanna be around tonight, lulling and dreamy. Not noisy and loud, from incoherent drunken conversation. /Isabella

I met Evelina for a beer at GP yesterday night, and as I walked home, this place seemed so much brighter than before. I have the feeling that these last weeks will pass by faster now. The rainy night, traffic lights, this song stuck in my head:
What A Mess
Making art is like telling your mind that everything's gonna be okay
even though you're not sure it will be. It's comforting, even though you know it's complete bogus and doesn't really matter anyways. Here's our attempt at it:

even though you're not sure it will be. It's comforting, even though you know it's complete bogus and doesn't really matter anyways. Here's our attempt at it:

Let's just say: ¡Me Voy! loves My So-Called Life
(a TV-show that got cancelled after the first season
because people were too stupid to appreciate it)!

My So-Called Life - The Hallway Scene
(a TV-show that got cancelled after the first season
because people were too stupid to appreciate it)!

My So-Called Life - The Hallway Scene
Paint It White

I'm Over It, Aren't You? (2009)
Acrylic, paraffin wax and papier maché on canvas. 45x55cm.
This Town is Still Dead, Who Told You Otherwise?
Okay, so I'm back from coffee at Wayne's. On the way to the bus, Mike and I stumbled upon 4 Eastern European men, they paused their motion, turning their bodies towards ours. Inquiring for directions to the nearest "disquotechk" or "najtklubbh". This they ask on a monday night in Helsingborg, meaning that any of the sparsely scattered nightclubs are closed... So I suggest, whilst gesturing, a bar "right up that street on the left." They shake our hands, and we part, continuing our separate ways. At this, I am amused.
This Town is Dead