The Time, It Flies

And so the wondrous winter returns! Feels like we've been here a while,
though really, it's been just past a week. Enjoying the snow, we brace
ourselves for the next destination... Thinking "soon, soon, soon!"
/Stay tuned for more

Why Do the I's Always Want to Be We's?

We are strict believers of the  O p r a h  T h e o r y , you can only make yourself whole,
there is no such thing as "my other half". To believe that someone else can fill
the empty space in you, that's just lazy!

What is up with replacing your entire social network with only that one person?

Almost Like a Bug

Aaah. There's hardly a better feeling than waking up to realise how small and insignificant you are. It sure does humble me, keeps me put on planet Earth. Today, I'll get my shit together, be pleasantly present and nice.


A day in town

Today, my plan was to apply for a distance course in town. We arrived before the place had opened, so me and mom went to Ebba's café, which was the hangout place in high school. So going there awakened some memories from that time, when it was all about crushes and jukeboxes (and I always wanted to hear Blur - Beetlebum) You can never escape your past - especially not when you're in your hometown! but a day like this, it's not all bad

The place I was going to, however, was closed "p g av personalutbildning". Hope they enjoyed the coffee, I'll be back tomorrow! /Regina

I Hate Onions

WTF, seriously! I'm a-puttin' on my goggles next time around. It's like, I put so much love and devotion into this dish. And then, towards the end, it hurts me, stinging pain, it makes me cry!

Well - it resulted in something good, scrumptious aubergine rolls with cottage-cheese.
Even the vegetable-hating guest loved it! I just might start cooking. As of yet I don't have a job -
why not morph into a housewife?


Unemployment Fun for the Unemployed

There are a few perks about not having a job, staying up at night fooling around playing childish tunes on guitar, drinking hot chocolate and watching silly films about nothing.

No documentaries, but a certain Johnny Depp, and oh! being back at elementary school, that level of responsibility sure feels good.

Baking Accidental

Okay. So, we're trying to make orange flavoured chocolate cake...

I remove the casing of the cake, so to speak, and my gut reaction is:
"fan vad ful den är!"

I ask Regina,
"Tycker du att avlånga kakor är snygga?!"

This cake is hideous!

But after some icing and chopped almonds it looks alright.

Broken Social Scene - K.C. Accidental

What's Up With the Music?

Today, we went to town, primarily job-hunting. It was no better than Copenhagen, in fact, it was worse. So we quickly gave up on the idea, with the rain and all. Instead, we had a lovely time at Café Mezo, where the music played is completely incongruous to its surroundings...

I mean, and they don't even know what they're playing. It was one weird mixtape, for sure, but when I asked them to replay the song with the jungle and monkey noises, they hadn't a clue what it was, but tried to find it and rewinded upon request.

Who Gives a Fuck?

Don't worry, we do care about the situation in Gaza -
but what is the point of a local demonstration here in little Helsingborg?

What Do You Think People Said To Ingvar Kamprad?

People can be so condescending towards us free spirits. But we'll make it through.

Bowl of Oranges

So I've been overthinking - although being a little down about being home and unemployed, I've been eating a lot of food to help a smile onto my face. I've come to the conclusion that fat people must be really happy as long as they don't take a second look in the mirror. But then again, who would wanna be happy for no reason?

Well, for now I'm going to recreate a moment of especially blissful happiness through means of an orange flavoured chocolate cake. I've experienced it once so I'm going back for more. The kind of happiness that makes you happy. Not the kind that gets you annoyed.


A radio that could survive anything?

This morning, whilst earth's still asleep, I'm trying my very best to wake up and get ready for work, so I turn on the radio with whisk antenna that has stayed with us.. hm, a little too long, and this is what it sounds like -


Sleepy Talk

I'm so jealous. Regina's at work.
But on the upside, I get to sleep in for however long I want.
This means sleepwalking and apparently also sleep-talking to the craziest extent.

My mom called me at noon..
M: Var är du nånstans?
I: Manhattan!!
M: Va?! Va menar du?-
I: New York!! Manhattan!
M: Va, vad menar du, har du åkt iväg?
I: Skit du i det!!
Mom: Menar du det?
I: Tågaborg förfan!!
..and I hang up the phone.

Talk about being closet-cranky on the subject of being back.


Pack Light in Cities Lacking Gentlemen

Travelling is a bitch.

And We're Back Back Back!

Home! After one week of independence, it feels good to be back. I found the cliché to be true - one can never escape home, never get away from where you came from. Thank god my family made it just past the countryside. This is what I won't be missing:


A Phone Call Each and We're Back in Two Weeks

On the verge of returning home, I begin to think about the things I've liked about our visit here. Staying up all night watching Freaks and Geeks, rhyming and whining. The 2 for 1-sale at Urban Outfitters, orange-flavoured chocolate cake at Baresso (the one at Kongens nytorv, I'm not really into Baresso but that one's good). Cph is not the city of opportunities it seems, but we're still hoping that we'll be given something in return. Now, we have some serious cleaning that needs to be done before we go. Later.


Morning Turned Into Night

This morning - or afternoon rather, we wake up realizing it will be the first sunny day since we got here. A little enlightened by the fact, we decide to go downtown.

An hour later I'm still waiting for Isabella to finish her morning routines and when she's finally ready to leave, the sun's gone. What's left - a foggy, cold January night. So I think to myself, five minutes by bus, so we have at least an hour left before the stores close!



I ask Isabella if she thinks it would be a good idea to clip the cards for once, she convinces me no. Once on the bus, the driver starts talking in the microphone. Strangers to the language, we only get a few words - ladies and bags - and fear that he's reffering to us. Paranoia strikes - so we jump off the bus and walk to town instead.

Next time, I'll make sure she gets up before I do.


Isabella & Regina's Adventures in a Shit-Hole Called Albertslund

Today, ca 1230 pm, we hauled ourselves out of bed and onto the hard pavement of this town, yet again. But this day was different, we had new goals, new opportunities - today we went to look at a room. One needs a place to stay if one wants to stay close to the dough. CPH - A dump, but also a place where the hourly payment is, due to exchange rates, meatier by a whole fifty percent. Anyways, here's how it all went down:

Outside Copenhagen is a place called Albertslund, which was supposed to be equivalent to Helsingborg's Åstorp, so I thought. It was worse. The train took twenty - not ten - minutes from Norreport. The guy renting the rooms who we thought was normal, was cross-eyed and came in a van. To drive us to the place, even further away, 3km to nastiness redefined. A barn, already hosting six others, slaves - underpaid tarnished immigrants working in factories. The middle-aged man asked if we needed to think it over, a moment alone? No! We giggled. We wanna go home! We walked our way back to the station. Never to return, never ever again.

The sick thing is, 3 minutes in on our lengthy trek back to the station, the guy calls me and says that if we seal the deal today, it's all ours for only 3600 DKK. From 4000 Danish crowns minus four hundred in only a matter of minutes, boy did that freak reek of desperate-stank.

The prettiest place in that dump. Also a place for public urination.

Why We Hate CPH

Here's a list of things that Copenhagen does not have, to our great disappointment

Free internet access Yes, it's true. We only found one place, except for on the buses, that has it so far, Din nye ven. It took us seven people and lousy directions to get there.

Peanut sauce Isabella went through all Asian restaurants in town, until she finally found a place that serves peanut sauce!
- The amazing place with the transvestite waitress is called Thai Kalasin

Apartments available for rent Today we found out that we might have to endure a nice long three year wait until we get a place to stay.

File sharing Piratebay is illegal in Denmark!

Jobs for Swedish people
Well, at least not for us, still we see them everywhere - they're employed!

Integration Non-existant. But maybe it's just our accents that need some work?

Cheap food We've been living without salad, on rye bread and crackers, for days now. Today's metro paper said that the people want lower taxes on healthy food, but the prime minister said no.

It's only seven points long 'cause we're not entitled to bitch more, so stay tuned for more...


Yummy in My Tummy

Here's some exciting news that just might rock your world!

Regina just stole herbs from the kitchen to mash into her all-time hummus. We tend to-
- Sure was great, wasn't it, sugar?
- Yes -to avoid the kitchen during all regular meal times, so we don't rock the cradle of their territory.



Okay, so now we've stayed here since Thursday. It ain't easy! We're living in a guest room at "Egmont Kollegium,"
seven minutes from Norreport by bus. It kinda sucks. Bathroom is six floors down, and we have to walk through the janitor's closet to then access the room. Danish people in one's or two's are fine. In groups, all together, they hate us. We disrupt their 4-year-old peace. 

Intruding upon their soil, we have all the qualifications necessary, but we don't speak the language, so we don't get the job, so some Danish dude ends up making you the nastiest SmooTea and you end up missing 50 DKK in change. That's what happens.

And finding a place to stay at... Can't stay in the guestroom. Wouldn't really want to, everyone's so hostile, sorry for invading your personal space! Everything's so fucking dated, old-fashioned, conservative, controlled. To get a job you must show your "straffe attest," even in the most shitty places, who the fuck wants to work there, let alone criminals, they're out commiting crimes, give it a rest!

But hey, we'll screw you over, not clipping our "klippekort," no more than once a day, we travelled from Orestad to Amager, Frederiksberg on Monday, unhappiest day of the year, utter dismay. Fuck you, we're leaving, I'm going today! (Actually, we're probably leaving tomorrow.)

 Guest Room-Porn - best served in a trash can.

Me Voy!

We want a new home! That's our mission. To travel and find something that fits.
Enjoy the video by Julieta Venegas, singing Me Voy in Central Park.

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