Denmark go crazy!
Det här är för roligt (med tanke på att jag inte riktigt jobbade klart..):
"Dear refund collector,
First of all, thanks for your great help as refund collector at Roskilde Festival.
It means a lot that people like you are willing to volunteer for this cause.
Yet, we haven’t found out the exact amount that has been raised by collecting bottles, cans etc. But when we know it, we will let you know!
You have fulfilled your obligations as refund collector, which means that you can get your deposit back. Unfortunately you didn’t pick it up after your last shift at the festival. Because of that, we will transfer the money to your account, when you have told us your BIC/SWIFT-code and IBAN number. Just be aware that you will pay the fees caused of the money transfer.
Enjoy the summer!"
Jo, tack, det ska jag!