HAHA, Regina Cracks Me Up!

Regina blir helt tagen när det talas om trosor. Va é grejjen, liksom?

Regina has this thing for panties. She's completely infatuated with this type of undergarment. She dreams of all the pairs she'll be able to buy at Victoria's Secret, and how they'll be so beautifully packeted in tissue paper. I questioned WHy?? in the name of God is this something to get all dreamy about, and she dignified my question with an answer saying something I don't have permission to blog about... HaHA. She's weird.

Speaking of underwear/ sexy-wear/ panties, don't you just Haaate(!) the word naughty? I believe it's something worth mentioning because it is so utterly appalling! At least in 'panties' you hear the 't' ! In 'naughty' it's all 'naauuuggh', no 't' but something sounding like a distorted 'd'. And it's not like you can fake British for just one word(?)! Disturbing.


Postat av: R

naje det är faktiskt mest pappret som är grejen :c

2009-03-10 @ 17:13:16
Postat av: Anonym

meh du gillar ju trosor, why deny it :P?

2009-03-10 @ 17:16:00
Postat av: R

I'm just whining a bit 'cause you're revealing my secret :c

And it's not ANY panties, only the ones wrapped in tissue paper. I liiike tissue paper.

2009-03-10 @ 17:23:38

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