The Move to Hipster Town

Now we live in Williamsburg. I did not enjoy hauling my bags all the way over here, and up 5 flights of stairs, since now I  probably have 12 kgs overweight. No, I am not pulling your leg.
(I came to the States with 3 kgs overweight and now it's post-shopping and all...)
Hungry. Going to eat. Now we live in the Affordable Food Disctrict.
Damn Regina and her light baggage./I.

Postat av: Nina

why did you guys move? Hows my accomodation looking? :P

2009-03-26 @ 23:29:03
Postat av: Nina

by the way, does your phones work over there?

2009-03-26 @ 23:39:47
Postat av: Isabella

Yeah... that might be a problem :S. We moved because the other place was fully booked, but this place is much nicer. Turns out we have to work our butts off for the accomodation, promoting it et al. It's hard enough for us to fix accomodation for ourselves, but I have a place you can stay at for three days (Elinor's friend), I know, sucks, but try putting something up on, couch surfing or such.

I know :(...

/as much love as possible :)


2009-03-27 @ 20:39:47
Postat av: nina

cant I just sleep on the floor? I dont mind at all... but I'll look... and what about phones, do they work?

2009-03-27 @ 21:30:43
Postat av: Isabella

No, I reaally don't think so, sorry :(. Yeah, the phones do work, but there's not point in using them, since it's so pricey..

2009-03-28 @ 14:17:02

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